basic skills class

basic skills class

This is a class demonstrating two basic skills, using positive reinforcement training, that can be used to teach nearly any behavior, from standing still for husbandry work to movement-based behaviors. After watching the video, you're invited to send me a short video of you working with your horse. We can then go over the video and you can ask questions or get advice.

positive reinforcement mini-workshop

positive reinforcement mini-workshop

This workshop is designed to teach horses and people how to get started with R+ (positive reinforcement) from the very beginning, as well as the possible next steps for using those skills in the real world. It’s for both horses and people who are completely new to R+ and open to learning a different way to look at training, or for people who have tried it, but weren't successful and their horses tried to eat them instead.

intermediate skills mini-workshop

intermediate skills mini-workshop

This workshop is designed to follow on from the positive reinforcement mini-workshop, and takes the basic skills to the next level.

foot handling mini-workshop

foot handling mini-workshop

After working with several horses and people for foot handling, I've created a hoofcare shaping plan to help guide us in the process. This workshop, designed to follow on from the intermediate skills mini-workshop,​ will loosely follow this plan, but with ample room to adjust for individual horses and people. You will also learn the basics of creating a shaping plan for training any behavior, and why you would do so. You will learn about: the mechanics of combining basic skills to teach foot lifting, the shaping concept of reversibility, building duration, introducing the hoof stand, introducing tools and tactile sensations, and staying well under the horse's emotional and physical threshold to minimize stress and maximize cooperation.

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