foot handling mini-workshop

 Hoofcare shaping plan

After working with several horses and people for foot handling, I've created a hoofcare shaping plan to help guide us in the process. This workshop, designed to follow on from the intermediate skills mini-workshop, will loosely follow this plan, but with ample room to adjust for individual horses and people. You will also learn the basics of creating a shaping plan for training any behavior, and why you would do so. You can find more information on shaping plans in general, as well as the hoofcare shaping plan, on the shaping plan page. You will learn about:

  • the mechanics of combining basic skills to teach foot lifting
  • the shaping concept of reversibility
  • building duration
  • staying well under the horse's emotional and physical threshold to minimize stress and maximize cooperation

If you and your horse are ready, we can start working on the objects and sensations commonly used in hoof handling and trimming:​

  • introducing the hoof stand
  • introducing tools and tactile sensations
cooperative hoof handling

Prerequisites for this workshop 

  • an open mind and a sense of humor
  • hay pellets, either timothy or alfalfa. If your horse is a really picky eater, you can bring whatever feed you use on a daily basis. Please don't bring really yummy, actual "treats" (this might not work in your favor).
  • some sort of bag, satchel, fanny pack/bum bag, etc. that you can put hay pellets in and hang on your body, so your hands are free - hands-free and easy access are very important!
  • a longer target stick of some sort (maybe two feet or so) that your horse does NOT associate with negative experiences (so a whip may not work if your horse knows what it is). A small section of pool noodle on the end of a stick works great!

Fluency in the basic skills

Although fluency​ can look different for different horses and handlers, it should be something like:​

  • Stand still, face forward - your horse can stand in one place, and you can move all the way around them either with your hand in contact with their body, or at a short distance away. This skill must be pretty solid, with a duration of 15-30 seconds or so, and quite relaxed.
  • Touch a target - your horse should be familiar enough with the concept of a target that they are able to touch it with their nose nearly 100% of the time. As a bonus, you can get started with the hoofcare shaping plan and start using the target on your horse's fetlock to start the foot lifting process.

If you're having trouble with the above, or you'd like to ensure you and your horse are ready to participate in this workshop, ​you can either schedule a private lesson, or send me a video to review your progress. For more information, visit my rates page or contact me.

Longer target stick

This is an example of the target stick I use for most things, including starting hoof handling (and obviously riding, as well). It's just a section of pool noodle Gorilla-taped to a section of cane. What you use definitely doesn't have to be fancy! But it does have to start out as neutral to your horse, and not have an aversive association. Whips and "carrot sticks"/stick-and-string *may* be aversive if you've used them to drive your horse or move them away from you, or create pressure in any way. I'm not saying those things are bad, but they're not ideal for this application.

Long Target

Cost for this workshop is $50/pair for a 30-minute one-on-one session for up to 6 people with horses, and $25/person for auditors. This works best if the horses are able to be loose without a halter/leadrope, however handlers know their horses best and horse and handler safety should come first.

I will provide:

  • a short lecture on the concepts and skills we'll work on
  • one-on-one coaching during your lesson
  • a Q & A at the end of the workshop
  • hopefully comedic entertainment​

Want to know more?

Here is a little e-book I wrote on starting positive reinforcement training (click HERE to download). It's free, with no strings attached. It's everything I like new clients to know when considering working with me. I'm happy to answer questions!

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