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Here is a little e-book I wrote on starting positive reinforcement training (click HERE to download). This is by no means a comprehensive tutorial on positive reinforcement as a whole, or even the basic information described. It’s impossible to account for every situation with regard to safety and efficacy, so as always whenever working with horses, please use your judgement and don’t take big risks. Experimenting is great, but there’s really no reason to take risks in a regular training session. 

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Topics include:

Nervous system’s gonna nervous

The nervous system is the gateway between the horse’s outer and inner worlds. Work with it rather than against it.

Train where you can and not where you can’t

Setting up the training space with the horse’s comfort in mind will ensure training sessions are more effective.

It’s really not about the food

While food is used as a communication tool, how it’s used makes an enormous difference in training success.

How you do something is how you do everything

R+ training is fairly simple, but not necessarily easy. Mastering a few basic skills helps training progress smoothly.

Where science meets art

Recognize your and your horse’s individuality, and make a flexible training plan.

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