Brandi, hoof handling update

December 10, 2024

A short update, working towards lifting back feet with hands rather than the pool noodle.

  • Camera angle is wonky because I just leaned my phone up against something and couldn’t see the screen from the glare.
  • This is toward the end of the session, so she starts to throw behaviors she knows - lifting legs - when she’s getting to her limit of attention span.
  • Using hay as the reinforcer, and it’s also not on me, it’s separate and I have to go get it after the click, helping develop a little bit of patience on her part.
  • I start at her shoulder, pause, move to her hip, pause again. I want the cue to be my hand touching her chestnut and not me touching her hip, so I pause to make that more clear.
  • Still working on the mechanics of the hind legs, so I wait and don’t reinforce when she does more than I’d like, and then she tries something different that has worked before.
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