Did you guys know that I was on a podcast? I was!
I've been listening to a lot of podcasts lately, actually. Thank goodness for these people, having the difficult conversations about training, reinforcement, punishment, how they're defined, how they work in theory, and how they work in practice. There's an enormous amount of misinformation and straight up disinformation out there, and very few organized places to have these open conversations where topics can be discussed without the rancor frequently seen on social media. I find myself bristling at some the initial topics, but by the end I'm always glad I've walked straight into my skepticism with open eyes, heart, and mind. I would invite you to do the same.
Lead A Horse To Water, with Trudi Dempsey: Equine Trainer and Behaviour Consultant: https://www.equine.training/equine-training-podcast/ (more episodes on Spotify and Apple podcasts).
Not Another Dog And Pony Show, with Lauren Fraser Equine Behaviourist and Mattias Lenz: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/not-another-dog-and-pony-show/id1727464090 (also on other platforms, but I have an iPhone, so...)
Zoo Logic, with Dr. Grey Stafford: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/zoo-logic/id1385908352?i=1000651398935 (episode with Ken Ramirez on Revisiting Negative Reinforcement, also on other platforms)
And the episode I did with Trudi Dempsey: Equine Trainer and Behaviour Consultant: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5LBq8D16TBWE29q8t7tg2i