I love using Mindmeister for initial brainstorming of pretty much any topic. Although just a way to organize thoughts, and not a final form, it allows the opportunity to see a broader perspective as well as make connections I wouldn’t otherwise see. This is a very small subsection of a much larger topic I’m working on. On the surface, it’s about shaping and the training process using R+. But really, it’s applicable to any quadrant, and therefore any conversation. Food is mentioned in other sections (not pictured), but this one is about how you operate; how you approach a training session. As such, I don’t yet have anything under “Techniques” - I use them, have lots of them, but they’re fluid and incidental (and I’ll include some in the finished version). What it does show is how there are so many opportunities to make focused changes - it doesn’t have to be a mystery, or all-or-nothing, or some nebulous failing of “relationship” or “leadership” when things aren’t flowing.
I keep harping on the ability to shift perspectives, but I think it’s one of the most valuable aspects of any conversation we can have, no matter the species.